Band Boosters and Band Directors Can Agree on Band Fundraising

marching band fundraising

In some cases, the relationship between band boosters and the band director can be a complex one.  One thing that both parties can agree on, is that the boosters are typically tasked with coming up with a multitude of band fundraising ideas that generate as much revenue for the program as possible.

From the director’s point of view –

  • Fundraisers should present ZERO RISK to students (door-to-door) as well as to the program (orders in advance, deposits that may be lost, etc).
  • Campaigns should ideally cause little impact to scheduling, rehearsals, or learning contact time.
  • Fundraisers ought to require LITTLE-TO-ZERO effort or time spent by the director.
  • In a perfect world, will the fundraiser help the program in other ways besides the bottom line finances?

From the boosters’ standpoint –

  • The fundraiser must have a good return on time – or in other words “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”
  • Will the fundraiser present an opportunity to really move the needle, or just nickel-and-dime?
  • Will the fundraising campaign be something that is inclusive to most or a large majority of your audience?
  • How large is that audience, and does location/proximity limit the campaign’s potential?

Very few fundraising ideas connect on all of these points listed above.  Fortunately, crowdfunding is ranking as a top marching band fundraising idea.


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