How’s the budget holding up, Band Director and Band Boosters?

Now that most of the United States scholastic music program focus is firmly on that institution we call “BAND CAMP”, the teaching process begins.


For the last few weeks or even months, arrangers and designers have been writing programs for the field. Having had a hand in more than my fair share of show productions, I am acutely aware that this is also the time when the guard staff begins to visualize 3 new sets of flags instead of the budgeted 1-set. The percussion arranger MUST have that additional synth for the front ensemble, and that sound board is on it’s last legs after getting wet last season at championships.

Oh, and that 22 year old sousaphone may not make it to championships.

For many of these needs – time is of the essence. Band directors and band boosters – I feel your pain, because I’ve lived it myself. 



We all get it – things happen, and almost all if it is outside of your control.

What IS within your control is reviewing high school band fundraisers and selecting the one option that is easiest to implement, quick to provide returns, and flexible enough to provide whatever it needs to.

Use the button below to jump over to FansRaise – take a moment to set up your performing organization there, and take some control back over the needs of your program!


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